Mama Bear Who Visits Man’s Home Regularly Brings Her Cubs

source: YouTube/Patrick Conley

Most people wouldn’t take too kindly to a family of bears visiting their front porch, but this couldn’t be more opposite for Patrick Conley. Patrick lives on a property in Asheville, North Carolina, and started a YouTube channel to chronicle the many types of wildlife that visit his property on a regular basis. For the past number of years, Patrick had been watching a bear named Simone grow from a cub to an adult bear, and on one of her latest visits, she brought along a surprise.

source: YouTube/Patrick Conley
source: YouTube/Patrick Conley

Patrick hadn’t seen Simone in quite some time, so he was equally excited and shocked when Simone wandered onto his property along with her first ever litter of cubs! Simone and her cubs emerged from the surrounding forest and walked right up to Patrick’s front porch. The little cubs peaking around the corner of the porch is one of the cutest things I’ve seen lately.

source: YouTube/Patrick Conley

You can check out the full video below:

It’s important to remember that Patrick has been observing Simone for years, so she likely feels comfortable around him and his property. However, he always keeps his distance, and does not try to tame them in any way. You should never approach a wild bear under any circumstances, especially if there are cubs nearby. Let’s leave nature the way it was intended – wild. Thanks to Patrick for sharing this adorable glimpse into Simone’s life with her new cubs!