Mom Finally Gives Birth To A Daughter After Having 10 Boys

source: Instagram/@mrsbrett79

I swear that having children is half genetics and half luck. Though many of us dream of having a well-balanced set of children – let’s say one boy and one girl – it doesn’t always work out that way. And one England mom can attest to this – probably better than any of us can!

Alexis Brett isn’t just your typical mom – I’m also pretty sure she might actually be a saint. You see, Alexis and her husband, David, have had ten boys before she finally gave birth to a baby girl in August of 2019. “We’re over the moon,” Alexis told The Daily Mail. “I’d been expecting to hear we were having another boy but when I found out it was a girl, my face was a picture. I was shocked but delighted. Now she’s here with us, it’s a fantastic feeling,” she revealed.

At the time of their little girl’s birth (whose name is Cameron, after the actress Cameron Diaz), the couple’s ten boys ranged from age two to age 17. “We’re definitely stopping now,” laughed Alexis. “No more! I remember saying that last time, but this time I absolutely mean it. I love my family as it is now.” And before you go ahead and judge this enormously large family, Alexis and David love their somewhat nontraditional family size.

“I’m an only child myself and I’d never planned to have a large family, but now that I do, I love it,” explained Alexis. “I always joked I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with a girl anyway but that’s all changed now, of course, and I have to admit that we’re having a lot of fun buying pink things for the first time.”

Alexis and David have been a couple since 1998, and they live with their family in a five-bedroom detached home in Dingwall, Ross-shire. If you’re wondering how costly it is to feed this many people, I’ll give you a little glimpse. Alexis and David grocery shop an average of three times per week. In just one week, they go through 16 loaves of bread, 50 pints of milk, and 100 packets of crisps (chips), just to name a few items. I bet you think your grocery bill seems pretty cheap in comparison!

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Well, the more the merrier I guess? The decision to have a certain number of kids is definitely a personal choice, and I’m sure that Alexis and David’s lives never feel lonely – or boring! And baby Cameron is also one lucky little girl – she has ten older brothers to protect her for the rest of her life!