Nail Tech Immediately Notices These Things About You

source: Pexels
Getting my nails done… This is, indeed, one area where I am very much a slow mover. Lazy? Maybe. Boring? Absolutely. I don’t like doing it myself because, honestly, I am not good at it, and I just get frustrated in the end. So, I go to nail spas frequently – the cost of service and tip included. But there is nothing more satisfying than getting a set of new nails that look good; I love it.
I seldom had the time to spare, and even if I did, I never paid much attention to the possibility of the nail tech being able to tell something about me until I saw a post on social media. A nail tech shared that there are several things she observes as soon as a client comes in. Suddenly, I was intrigued. What do they notice? And why?
Thus, here is a list of what a nail tech may first observe about you.
How punctual are you for an appointment? This seems rather obvious, but punctuality is important as it reveals a lot to a nail technician. It depicts courtesy and respect for the time and effort they put into their jobs. It is rather unprecedented for me to arrive late to a meeting, and I must confess that I have done so more times than I would like to admit. Life tends to get in the way, but now I understand that punctuality is valued more than I initially thought.

Clothes and Accessories
From the minute you get to the building, you are already communicating a lot about yourself with your dressing. Are you in jeans and a tee or dressed up formally? Your outfit, including your bag, shoes, watch, and even the type of phone you have, tells a lot about you. Do you have the latest fashion accessory in your hand or an age-old laptop bag? Such things can suggest if you are quite conservative or if you like to dress up once in a while.
Phone Habits
Of course, I am not an exception in this case; I also cannot tear myself away from my phone during a manicure. However, have you ever realized that your phone usage is one way of revealing your personality? It can make others think that you are a busy person, a professional, or it can just be seen as impolite and inattentive. Nail techs have to find a way to avoid touching your hands and not damaging your new manicure while you furiously type on your phone. It’s a give and take, and being cognizant of phone usage can make it easier on both of you.
Examining of the Hands to Determine Health Status
You might be surprised, but hands are very informative when it comes to the state of one’s health. Nail technicians are conversant with the fact that some diseases can be detected through the condition of the nails and skin. Therefore, nails that are rough and brittle may indicate a lack of water in the body or poor nutrition, while nails that have ridges or uneven colors could be a pointer toward more serious health complications. It opened my eyes to understand that there is much that can be told from just a manicure.

Color Choice
Another thing that nail techs notice is the color of the polish that you choose. Do you need the bright red, the neon, or the barely-there nude? You can convey your mood, your personality, and even how daring you are with the color that you choose to wear. I always choose some versatile gray shades, but perhaps at the next event, I will try to have some color to make it less boring.
Nail Condition
This one is rather self-explanatory, but it must be mentioned nonetheless. The state of your nails when you get to a technician dictates a lot about you. Are your nails neat and clean, or are they brittle and broken, possibly bitten? I was once a nail biter, and my nail technician would always kindly tell me to stop biting my nails. That is indeed the right way to put it – it is a work in progress.
Fidgeting and Mood
Do you squirm, or are you able to sit still? Body language can say a lot about a person’s state of mind as well as their character. If you are always shifting from one place to another, it may imply that you are stressed or not comfortable in the area. On the other hand, if you are relaxed and still, it means that you are calm and comfortable with the person you are with, especially the one working on your nails.

Attitude and Interaction
It is vital how you treat your nail technician. Do you like to talk a lot and be sociable, or do you like to keep to yourself and not talk much? Attitude plays a very big role in determining the outcome of the experience. Nail techs are great company, and I enjoy talking to them as they make the time pass quickly, and I get to hear so many interesting stories about people and their lives.
Before, I really did not bother to think about these aspects, but now that I have been enlightened, I will be very observant the next time I visit a nail salon. It is quite interesting to ponder the fact that a nail technician can tell a lot about a person by observing these signs. So, the next time you get a manicure, it is good to know that they are not only giving you beautiful nails but also observing you.