Extremely Rare Identical Quadruplets Were Just Born In Dallas, Texas
If I had to provide my own definition of the word “hero,” it would be parents of multiples. Yep, I’m talking about the mothers and fathers of twins, triplets, and the very rare quadruplets. Speaking of quadruplets, there are only around 70 sets of identical quadruplets worldwide. And on March 15th, a Dallas, Texas couple became new parents to this rare and wonderful phenomenon.
Jenny and Chris Marr were absolutely stunned when they discovered they were having quadruplets. “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but you guys have four babies,” Jenny said, when reiterating their doctor’s news. “I said, ‘No, haha, we can’t have four babies, no way,’ and Chris, I looked over at Chris, and he’s like oh, panicking!” Jenny explained.
Thankfully, after a very quick operation, all four quadruplets were delivered safely. After a lengthy stay in hospital (which is common for multiples after birth), Hudson, Harrison, Henry, and Hardy are now adjusting comfortably to life at home.
“This situation is so incredibly rare that there are only about 72 documented cases of spontaneous, identical quadruplets ever,” revealed Texas Health Dr. Brian Rinehart. What’s perhaps even more surprising is that neither Jenny or Chris have any history of multiple births in their families, and they are both only children.
Rare as these baby boys are, it’s nice to know that each of them has three built-in best friends for life! We can only imagine how busy Jenny and Chris are going to be for the foreseeable future – but at least they’ll never be lonely, and their home will always be full of love. Congrats to the new parents – we wish you all the best!