100-Year-Old Woman Brought to Tears When Garbage Collector Surprises Her at Home

source: Youtube/ITV News

As we go through life, we meet people who make a lasting impact on us. For Mercy Ballard, a 100-year-old woman living alone, that person was Ben Bird, her friendly neighborhood garbage collector. Recently, a heartwarming video of their encounter went viral on social media, leaving many touched by their friendship.

For many elderly people, living alone can be a challenging experience, especially when they have no family or friends to turn to. Mercy Ballard is one such person. She lives alone in her house and often relies on the kindness of strangers for company. But little did she know that the simple act of waving at her garbage collector every week would spark a beautiful friendship that would change her life.

source: Youtube/ITV News

Ben Bird, who works for the local garbage collection company, had been noticing Mercy for a while. He was touched by her friendliness and warm smiles every time he drove by her house. So one day, he decided to stop by and say hello. That one visit turned into a regular occurrence, and soon they became good friends.
“I talk to her every Thursday from 8am to 8.10am and every time I walk up her garden path she will be there waiting for me,” Ben told ITV.

Their friendship blossomed over the years, and Ben even promised Mercy that he would bring her a cake on her 100th birthday. Little did he know that this simple promise would bring her to tears on her special day. As she sat on her porch, Mercy saw Ben driving towards her house with a cake in his hand. Overcome with emotion, she couldn’t contain her tears of joy and gratitude.

The video of their encounter quickly went viral on social media, with many people touched by their friendship and kindness towards one another. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on someone’s life.

For Mercy, her birthday wish is to live longer and reach 105 years old. And with Ben by her side, she knows she has a friend who will be there for her no matter what.

source: Youtube/ITV News

But Mercy and Ben’s story is not unique. There are many elderly people like Mercy who live alone and rely on the kindness of strangers to get by. It’s important that we take the time to check on our elderly neighbors, even if it’s just a simple wave or hello. It’s a small act that can make a big difference in their lives.

Grandparents, in general, are a treasure trove of wisdom and life experience. They have seen and experienced things that we can only imagine. Yet, they often get overlooked and forgotten in our fast-paced lives. It’s important that we take the time to love and cherish them, for they are a source of inspiration and guidance for us all.