Baby Girl Went 5 Months Without Any Visitors at the Hospital, but Then a Nurse Decided to Adopt Her

source: Youtube/CBS News

In the bustling city of Brighton, Massachusetts, Liz Smith, the director of nursing at Franciscan Children’s Hospital, had her life forever changed by a little girl with bright blue eyes. As she made her way to work one morning, Smith couldn’t help but be captivated by the sight of the adorable eight-month-old named Giselle. It was as if a beautiful angel had been sent down from the heavens.

Giselle had been in the hospital for five months, under the care of the state. Born prematurely, weighing less than 2 pounds, and diagnosed with neonatal abstinence syndrome, she had faced numerous challenges from the moment she came into this world in July 2016. The state of Massachusetts had taken custody of Giselle when she was just three months old, transferring her to the neonatal intensive care unit at Franciscan Children’s Hospital. With her delicate condition, Giselle relied on a feeding tube and required special attention for her fragile lungs throughout her extended stay.

source: Youtube/CBS News

The instant Smith laid eyes on Giselle, an undeniable connection was formed. Her nurturing and caring nature, coupled with her deep desire to become a mother, led her heart to make a life-altering decision. Smith had grown up in Andover, Massachusetts, following in the footsteps of her own mother, who had been a dedicated pediatric nurse. Inspired by her mother’s selflessness and compassion, Smith had always dreamt of becoming a nurse herself.

source: Youtube/CBS News

Having lost her mother to liver cancer at the age of 19, Smith longed for a family of her own. Despite being the “world’s greatest aunt” to her 13 nieces and nephews, she yearned for a child she could call her own. However, financial constraints had made options like in vitro fertilization or adoption seem out of reach. Little did she know that fate had a different plan in store for her.

Giselle’s arrival at the hospital was a turning point in Smith’s life. Filled with an overwhelming desire to care for and raise the child as her own, Smith began the paperwork to become Giselle’s foster parent. When Giselle reached the age of 9 months, Smith finally had the joyous opportunity to bring her home. However, she had to face the reality that there was a chance Giselle might not stay with her forever. The state still aimed to reunite Giselle with her birth parents.

Nevertheless, Smith was determined to commit wholeheartedly to Giselle’s well-being, even if it meant enduring the pain of potential separation in the future. As time went on, it became clear that Giselle’s birth parents were unable to provide the care she needed. While this was an opportunity for adoption, Smith couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness for the family whose loss became her gain.

The day she received the call that their parental rights were terminated was bittersweet. It brought a complex mix of emotions, as she realized she was experiencing a life-changing moment while someone else was facing the opposite. The loss of their rights was devastating for them. Finally, in October 2018, Giselle was officially welcomed into Smith’s family through adoption, becoming a cherished member alongside Liz’s brother, Phil.

source: Youtube/CBS News

Giselle’s journey from a fragile preemie in the NICU to a healthy and loved child has been nothing short of extraordinary. Despite still having her feeding tube at the age of 2, Giselle has made incredible progress, gaining 23 pounds. She has developed a love for cheese, avocados, and pizza, and her boundless energy and affectionate nature have brought immeasurable joy to her family.

Little Giselle’s story shows the power of love and how one person can profoundly influence another’s life. Liz Smith recognized Giselle’s worth from the start, nurturing and treasuring her as a precious gift. And we can’t be happier for them!