Little Boy Invites Entire Kindergarten Class To His Adoption Hearing

source: The New York Times via Kent County 17th Circuit Court

An adoption hearing is a defining moment in one’s life – particularly for a 5-year-old boy. And so, kindergartener Michael Clark Jr. wanted to share the special moment with his “whole family,” which happened to be his entire kindergarten class of 21 students, plus multiple teachers, school administrators, and parents.

source: BuzzFeed News via Carlye Allen

During the adoption hearing, Judge Patricia Gardner asked the attendees to say what they loved or appreciated about Michael. One student said, “Micheal is my best friend,” while another exclaimed, “I love Michael.” The children had brought handmade heart signs that they waved in the air throughout the hearing.

source: BuzzFeed News via Holly Hernandez

The day was especially emotional for Michael’s adoptive parents, David Eaton and Andrea Melvin. The couple began fostering Michael in late 2018. When Michael’s biological parents had their parental rights terminated, the couple immediately began considering adoption. And once everything was set in stone, they worked with Michael’s teacher, Kerry McKee, to make the occasion a field trip of sorts as a way to de-stigmatize adoption, particularly among children.

source: BuzzFeed News via Carlye Allen

“I think Ms. McKee was aware that sometimes kids stigmatize other kids for being adopted,” said David. “I think she wanted to show the whole class that this was a celebration, a wonderful moment.” And a wonderful moment it was for Michael and his circle of friends and supporters. I’m sure this was a day they will all remember forever!