11-Year-Old Boy Makes Incredible Crochet Creations And Donates The Earnings To Charity

source: Instagram/@jonahhands

What’s better than a feel-good story involving selfless, talented kids? Not much! Jonah is an 11-year-old boy who fits the bill of a kid who’s going to grow up and change the world. After receiving some crochet supplies as a gift, he set out teaching himself the hobby by watching YouTube videos. In a short amount of time, Jonah has turned into a crocheting prodigy, creating blankets, stuffed toys, and other patterns that even a seasoned adult might have a hard time with.

Source: Instagram/@jonahhands

Jonah was adopted from an Ethiopian orphanage as a baby. After realizing he could sell his wonderful crochet creations, he decided to donate his earnings to the orphanage he was adopted from. After gaining some publicity (stars like Drew Barrymore and Kelly Clarkson have had him on their talk shows), Jonah decided to go further with his charitable mission, launching a GoFundMe.

source: Instagram/@jonahhands
source: Instagram/@jonahhands

The money raised from Jonah’s GoFundMe goes to a non-profit organization called Roots Ethiopia, with the goal of supporting Ethiopia’s children and their families so that they, too, can dream big and fulfill their goals. Jonah is also able to use some of the profits to buy materials for his crochet creations, making the venture completely self-sustainable.

source: Instagram/ @jonahhands
source: Instagram/@jonahhands

If you want to support Jonah and his charitable endeavors, be sure to check out his GoFundMe page as well as his Instagram page, Jonah’s Hands. We commend Jonah’s parents for supporting his passion so strongly, and we especially commend Jonah for taking the initiative to make a change and give back. Kids like Jonah will go on to make a huge impact on this world – that’s one thing I’m completely sure of.