Couple Returns $52,000 Worth of Treasure Found in Backyard

source: Youtube/CBS New York

Finding unexpected treasure in your backyard can be a thrilling experience, but it can also be a dilemma. The moral dilemma of whether to keep the treasure or return it to its rightful owner is not an easy one. Recently, Maria and Matthew Colonna-Emanuel faced this dilemma and decided to return $52,000 worth of treasure they discovered in a garbage box.

The couple had moved to Staten Island, New York, and to their surprise, they found a box in their backyard. Upon opening it, they were stunned to find stacks of money and jewelry worth thousands of dollars. As Matthew Colonna-Emanuel said in an interview with CBS, “Hundreds (dollar bills) and jewelry—diamonds, engagement rings.”

source: Youtube/CBS New York

Instead of keeping the treasure for themselves, the couple decided to do the right thing and find the rightful owner. They discovered that the treasure belonged to their neighbor, who had been robbed in 2011. The neighbor had given up hope of ever finding the stolen treasure and was overjoyed to have it returned.

The Colonna-Emanuels’ decision to return the treasure is an admirable one, and it highlights the importance of integrity and honesty. Returning the treasure was not an easy decision, as many people may have been tempted to keep it. However, the couple chose to do the right thing, even though it meant giving up a substantial amount of money and jewelry.

What would you do If you found treasure? This is a difficult question to answer, and we think it depends on the individual’s moral code and values. Some people might feel that the treasure is rightfully theirs since they discovered it on their property, while others might feel a moral obligation to return it to the rightful owner.

source: Youtube/CBS New York

The decision to keep or return the treasure ultimately comes down to personal values and beliefs. However, there are things to consider when making this decision. Firstly, it is important to determine who the rightful owner of the treasure is. If the treasure belongs to someone who has been robbed or lost it, then returning it is the right thing to do. Keeping stolen property is a crime, and it could have legal repercussions.

source: Youtube/CBS New York

Think about how you would feel if the situation were reversed. If you lost a valuable possession, you would want someone to do the right thing and return it to you. It is important to treat others as you would want to be treated and to act with integrity and honesty.

The Colonna-Emanuel’s decision to return the $52,000 worth of treasure they discovered in their backyard is an admirable one. It highlights the importance of integrity and honesty, and it serves as a reminder that doing the right thing is always the best course of action. If you find treasure in your backyard, consider the values and beliefs that guide your decision-making and remember to treat others as you would want to be treated.