Dad Facing Backlash Online For Leashing His 5-Year-Old Quintuplets When Out In Public

source: Instagram/@drixxleman

Ever since leashes for children were invented, there has been a heated debate over whether or not such a thing is appropriate. And 31-year-old father Jordan Driskell is the latest parent facing criticism over leashing his children.

source: Instagram/@driskell_quints_dad

Jordan is the dad of five-year-old quintuplets. It goes without saying that he constantly has his hands full. Jordan chronicles his life as a dad of five little ones on social media, and posted a video of himself out and about walking his kids on a group leash. As you can imagine, some people had a lot to say.

source: Instagram/@driskell_quints_dad

You can read the many, many comments here.

Although I personally wouldn’t use a leash with one or two children, it’s important to note that Jordan and his wife, Briana, have five. If you have children yourself, or have ever spent any amount of time around young children, you know very well that they are busy, they move fast, and they get distracted quite easily.

source: Instagram/@driskell_quints_dad

Trying to wrangle five children in public is no easy feat. When outside of the safety of your own home or contained backyard, there are many risks to contend with including traffic and the very real possibility that your child slips out of your sight and gets lost. In this instance, I think Jordan choosing to have his five young children wear a leash in public is simply just practicing good safety habits and protecting his kids from unnecessary risks.

source: Instagram/@driskell_quints_dad

While there will be critics on both sides of the leash debate, I think we need to allow parents to make decisions that are in the best interest of their own children, and not be so quick to lend judgement.