Granddaughter Creates Beautiful Backsplash From Her Grandma’s Famous Recipe

source: Her View From Home via @reger_mama

My grandmother was a wonderful cook, but she sadly passed away before we were able to record some of her most delicious recipes. I would do anything to taste her cooking again, and my family so regrets not asking her to write down her recipes and cooking methods sooner. I think that’s why I was so touched when I stumbled upon this story of a young woman who did something so special and thoughtful with her grandma’s noodle recipe.

“My grandma is known for her noodle recipe which was passed down to her from my great grandma and was recently passed down to me,” she explained. “It’s the best noodle you’ll ever eat and it’s famous in our family. For me this recipe is comfort…family…Sunday dinner memories.”

source: Her View From Home via @reger_mama

“I took the recipe my grandma wrote out for me and had it made into a backsplash for my pantry area. We were all so excited to reveal it to Grandma today. It’s one of my very favorite parts of our home,” she said. Judging from the photo, her grandmother was certainly touched by this thoughtful gesture. Plus, I think it looks amazing as a backsplash in their kitchen!

source: Her View From Home via @reger_mama

For anyone who might be interested in recreating this idea with their own family’s special recipe, the custom backsplash was done by LimitLess Walls. What a wonderful idea to help preserve special family recipes and have a constant reminder of your loved ones.