Is Staying At Home With Kids Harder Than Going To Work

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If you’ve ever stayed at home with your kids instead of going to work (whether it was full-time or a temporary situation), then you might just agree with the findings of this recent survey. Aveeno Baby conducted a survey asking 1,500 moms and dads whether it was more difficult to stay at home with their kids than head to their full-time jobs. And 31% of parents agreed that this was the case.

Aveeno Baby Skin Expert Rebecca Bennett explained that the survey was conducted in order to show new moms and dads that caring for a child is certainly not easy work. “Becoming a parent is an amazing experience, but we understand that entering this new chapter of life can also bring with it a great deal of stress and worry, so we wanted to discover more about what new parents experience in the first few years, what they wish they had known, and how best we can support them,” she revealed.

Some other interesting findings that the survey revealed? Well, 55% of parents believed that having a baby was tough work, even with a strong support system helping out. 45% of the moms surveyed revealed that they wouldn’t be able to handle caring for an infant without their moms’ help and advice. And 71% of parents said that social media makes parenting more competitive, with 22% of parents feeling pressure to be “the perfect parent.”

Regardless of the challenges and pressure new parents face in regards to caring for, protecting, and raising their children, 42% of the parents surveyed also revealed that having a child was the first time they truly felt unconditional love (pretty sweet, right?). Whether you’re a new parent or your children are grown, if you always try to do your best and set a good example, you don’t need to worry about being the perfect parent — there’s no such thing, and your kids will love you regardless.