New Dad Goes To Buy A Washer & Dryer And Gets So Much More Thanks To The Kindness Of A Stranger

source: Mirror Online via Facebook/Chris Blaze
Amongst all of the hate and sadness in this world, kindness will always prevail. And as it turns out, we still have kind people left in this world. Chris Blaze was a new dad who needed a new washing machine and dryer. And so, he went to meet up with a seller who had the set advertised for $500.

When Chris got there, he asked the seller (named David) if he would be willing to take $400 for the set instead of $500. He explained to David that he was a new dad, and needed to be mindful of costs. Fortunately for Chris, David agreed, and Chris loaded up the washer and dryer to take home. Chris was so shocked by what he then found, he shared the story on his Facebook.
“I opened up the dryer to check the lint filter and I was shocked, my $400 was sitting in there,” said Chris. “I got a message from him saying, ‘check the dryer, a gift for the new baby.’ Man, words cannot describe how grateful I am right now. I feel so blessed right now, I felt I had to share, big shout out to the man David! Thank you so much.”

David didn’t have to discount his price, let alone give Chris all of his money back. But his heart clearly went out for this new dad who might be struggling, and he realized Chris could really benefit from keeping that money. We need more people like David in this world – thank you for sharing this heartwarming story, Chris!