Police Warn Public That Facebook Quizzes Can Lead To Identity Theft

source: Pexels
In today’s digital age, fraud and identity theft are more rampant than ever before. Although most of us know the obvious ways to protect ourselves from falling victim to these crimes, there are many more subtle ways that criminals can find out your personal information. And unfortunately, one of those ways is via Facebook quizzes.

Facebook quizzes? Really? Yes, really. You know those posts or links you click on that will generate your “stripper name” or the name of your fictional band? They seem like they’re all in good fun, but many of those quizzes are actually designed to sneakily secure important personal information that can be used to steal your identity or hack into your bank account. The Sutton Police Department revealed how criminals manage to do this in the below post:
So although those innocent-seeming Facebook quizzes may be fun to fill out, if you want to protect your identity and finances, it’s better to avoid them. Staying safe in a world full of technology can be tricky, but this is one simple way to avoid falling victim to these crimes. Be sure to share this important information with your friends and family who use Facebook!