Seattle Couple Lives On A Cruise Ship Full-Time Because It’s Cheaper Than A Mortgage

source: 7NEWS

I’ve heard of people going on one or two-week cruises. But I can safely say that I’ve never heard of someone living on a cruise ship – until now. A Seattle, Washington-based couple discovered that it was actually cheaper for them to live on a cruise ship full-time than to pay their mortgage and all of the costs associated with their daily life. And so, they packed their bags and hopped aboard a cruise ship.

source: 7NEWS

Angelyn and Richard Burk had gone on one or two cruises per year for a long while, and had dreams to travel more when they retired. Angelyn, who was an accountant, decided to run the numbers one day and see what it would cost to essentially live on a cruise ship full-time. The couple were shocked to discover that living on a cruise ship would cost them around $43 per day – far less than their current living costs.

source: 7NEWS

“Our original plan was to stay in different countries for a month at a time and eventually retire to cruise ships as we got older,” said Angelyn. “We love to travel and we were searching for a way to continuously travel in our retirement that made financial sense.” Between savings and the sale of their Seattle home, the couple decided they would be able to comfortably hop from cruise ship to cruise ship. They also keep an eye out for loyalty programs and other promotions to make cruise ship living even more affordable for them.

source: 7NEWS

The couple kicked off their retirement by hopping on a 50-day cruise around the Adriatic Sea. From there, they took another 50-day cruise from Seattle to Sydney, Australia. The couple have only slept on land a handful of times in the past year. And they don’t plan to head back to land for any prolonged period of time anytime soon. Living frugally and doing lots of planning ahead has made the dream of traveling the world in their retirement a reality for the Burks. Though their living situation may not be traditional, it’s allowing them to visit every corner of the globe. All the power to them!