Teen And His Beloved Cow Are Photographed Napping Together During State Fair

source: Des Moines Register via Jeremy Miner

Don’t ever say that cows can’t make loving pets! A teenage boy and his cow, Audri, have become local celebrities after a photo of the pair napping at the Iowa State Fair went viral. It truly is a heartwarming glimpse of the unlikely bond between a boy and his cow.

source: Daily Mail via Facebook/Laura McLees Miner

Jeremy Miner, 15, and Audri had been preparing for the Iowa State Fair’s youth dairy cattle show. Jeremy had been busy bathing her, and practicing leading her in preparation for the show. Jeremy even woke up at 3am on the day of the show to make sure she looked dazzling for her time in the spotlight.

source: Catch Des Moines

Audri ended up placing fifth out of seven cows, and after a series of long, busy days leading up to the show, they were both exhausted. So, they headed back to their stall and decided to take a nap together. After someone snapped a photo of the pair sleeping, they quickly went viral for their adorable catnap.

source: Des Moines Register via Jeremy Miner

“She likes to lay down quite a bit,” said Jeremy. “I don’t really understand the bond with my animal either. She just enjoys my company.” Cue the waterworks. Thank you to Jeremy and the Miner family for sharing the beautiful bond between a boy and his cow – this story completely made my day!