These Pills Are Designed To Make Your Poop Colorful And Glittery

source: Cinderly

Every single day, at least one piece of news makes me shake my head and go really? And today is no different. Because I just caught wind that you can buy pills designed to make your poop appear colorful and glittery. Yes, this is the kind of product that companies are coming up with nowadays.

source: She Knows

Anyways, Etsy and similar sites are currently selling these glitter-filled capsules with the intention of making your poop appear much less poopy. However, there is definitely some controversy surrounding whether eating these sparkling capsules is actually safe. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that putting artificial glitter into your body is necessarily a great idea.

source: Etsy

Anyways, if you’re curious about these bizarre little pills, you can click here to order them off of Etsy. I’m not quite sure why retailers are finding the need to draw attention to people’s bowel movements, but this is one product I won’t be purchasing any time soon.