This 30-Hour Train Ride Between New York And New Orleans Connects Dozens Of Southern Cities


Taking the train has always been one of my favorite ways to travel. I love booking a window seat and staring at the changing scenery as I go along my journey. Traveling by train is also extremely convenient – with most trains making regular stops, you can get from point A to B easily, quickly, and affordably. And with Amtrak’s newest route, this is even more true.

source: The Washington Post/Bradley Bates

The Amtrak Crescent route travels all the way between New Orleans and New York City. This train travels throughout the night and is a 30-hour ride in total (with no delays). The train offers wi-fi, a lounge, a cafe, meal options, and even sleeper cars.

source: The New York Times/Tony Cenicola

The Crescent route’s major stops are in New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Charlotte (NC), Greenville (SC), Atlanta, Birmingham, and New Orleans, and stops at 32 stations in total.

source: Emily Luxton Travels

According to Amtrak’s website, one of the most notable highlights is the segment to or from New Orleans that involves travel over Lake Pontchartrain via the longest rail bridge in the United States. Pretty cool!

source: Travel+Leisure/Amtrak

Whether you’re a college student heading home for the holidays, someone traveling on business, or someone who just wants to see the Eastern United States in a quick and affordable way, Amtrak’s Crescent route is a great option. I think I’ll add it to my United States travel bucket list!