What Does Lego Actually Mean?

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Hey there, friends! Have you ever thought about what the word “Lego” really means? You know, those awesome plastic bricks that have been a must-have on kids’ Christmas wishlists for ages? Well, get ready for a mind-blowing discovery!

So, let’s hop into a time machine and zoom back to 1932. We land in Billund, Denmark, where a super imaginative carpenter named Ole Kirk Kristiansen is on a mission. With his woodworking magic, he starts making toy bricks out of wood, sparking the creativity of young minds all around.

Now, fast-forward a bit. Little did Ole know that these simple wooden toys were about to launch one of the coolest game brands ever. It wasn’t until four years later that he came up with the name “Lego.” Funny thing is, he didn’t even realize the secret behind this name!

Hold onto your hats because here comes the exciting twist. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Ole’s son, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, takes the stage. Ole tells his son to ditch the wooden blocks and go for plastic ones instead. Imagine the doubt, but Ole had a vision of global fame for their groundbreaking creations.


And guess what? The switch to plastic was a game-changer. That’s when “Automatic Binding Bricks” made their debut, and these little guys later evolved into the mega-famous Lego we all know and love.

Here’s where things get really interesting. The Lego company explains it best: Ole Kirk Kristiansen put his thinking cap on and combined two Danish words – “Leg Godt,” which means “Play Well.” And that’s how “Lego” was born! But wait, there’s more! In Latin, “Lego” means “I put together.” Talk about a language coincidence!

Now, picture this: Godtfred Kirk Christiansen totally loved this new mission. He said in the 1950s, “We want to make a toy that gets kids ready for life – sparking their imagination and bringing out their creativity.” And you know what? They nailed it! In 1958, they introduced a cool coupling thingamajig, giving Lego lovers endless possibilities for building.

Zooming ahead to today, Lego is a superstar all over the world. You can find it in over 130 countries, and around 23,000 amazing folks are part of the Lego family. They’ve got branches everywhere, all keeping alive the legacy of Ole Kirk Kristiansen.

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Guess who’s steering the Lego ship now? It’s Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, Ole’s grandchild. And guess what else? Lego is celebrating a whopping 91 years of play in 2023. Thomas Kirk Kristiansen, the Lego Group’s chairperson, says they’re all about making lives better through play. How cool is that?

Thomas said, “Way back when my great-grandfather started this company, he knew that play could change kids’ lives – it brings families together and helps kids learn skills that can take them far.” Even though he had a small workshop, Ole had big dreams. He wanted every child to experience the magic of play.

And you know what? Whether it’s 1932, 2023, or even on their 100th anniversary, Lego is all about continuing Ole’s legacy. They want to help families all around the globe play well and have a blast, just like Ole intended.

So, there you have it, a journey from wooden blocks to the incredible world of Lego. Who knew a simple word could mean so much? So, go on, keep building, imagining, and having a blast with those colorful bricks. After all, it’s all about playing well and putting things together, just like the name says!

Read here how One Autistic 10-Year-Old Built the World’s Largest Titanic Replica Using 56,000 LEGO Bricks.